Event details
- Friday | January 28, 2022
- 7:30 pm
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5455184477?pwd=VmJMNmUrc0V2RzJnUnpCQWdxQUhmZz09 Meeting ID: 5455 1844 77 Passcode: Genesis218
- 900Attendees
Love stories from the bible. A brand new program for single Adventists at 7:30PM Friday UK Time.
*What is just as nice as Love stories from the bible? Love stories of people alive today! On Friday the 28th of January at 7:30PM UK Time. 2:30PM EST* SASS chaplain Pastor Chihwai and his wife Beauty will be bringing us part TWO of their presentation for us with valuable love Lessons on how to find and select the right spouse! They will also be revealing the beautiful parallels between biblical love and the marital love that God is preparing you for!
Do not miss this event!
*Save to your google Calendar* https://bit.ly/3nZyl3X
We also attach the flyer. INVITE FRIENDS TOO!!!
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